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Infusing Artificial Intelligence in Undergraduate and Graduate Nursing Programs
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Details
The AACN Essentials suggest that nursing students across programs are to demonstrate competency with informatics. The current state of informatics suggests that one element is artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence has been infused into our daily lives. We and our patients wear or carry smartwatches and phones that calculate steps, monitoring for falls, heart rate, and oxygenation. Many of us and our patients have smart homes. These technologies are the result of taking very large data sets and creating models that can predict and alert us to events in our environment.
To begin the discussion, it is important to understand what AI is and what it isn’t. AI is computers simulating human thinking. AI is not human. Referring to the daily examples of AI in our daily lives, AI has also been infused into healthcare. In its most rudimentary form, clinical decision support was a pioneering example of AI. We now have access to generative text AI in the electronic health record to write notes and sophisticated models to guide decision-making. AI is not going away. So, we have a responsibil ity in nursing education to teach responsible use of this technology across programs.
- Define AI.
- List examples of AI in daily life and healthcare.
- Describe how generative text AI works.
- Discuss ideas to infuse AI into nursing curriculum across programs.
Note: Recording of the webinar will be available soon after the webinar airs. Visit AACN's On-Demand Webinars to watch.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs-Graduate Clinical Education
University of Florida College of Nursing
Dr. Rene Love is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for Graduate Clinical Education and a Clinical Professor at the University of Florida. She began her career in higher education in 1998 at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing. She has since held administrative roles in academia as a DNP Director (University of Arizona) and Psych Mental Health Specialty Coordinator (Vanderbilt University). She is certified as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner and specializes in trauma, substance abuse and borderline personality disorders.Dr. Love is an internationally recognized expert in advanced nursing practice education and leader in advancing Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) programs. Her leadership has influenced psy chiatric mental health nursing and DNP education, practice, and policy. She has supported national organizations in developing training to support academic institutions in transitioning from BSN-MSN to BSN-DNP and is currently working on population-based competencies. Her contribution to nursing includes identifying educational inequities, developing innovative programs, and creating innovative resources for faculty to improve the quality of DNP education and healthcare delivery. Dr. Love is past president of the International Society of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing and past board member at-large for the National Organization for Nurse Practitioner Faculty. Dr. Love graduated with her PhD from the University of Arizona (2015), her DNP (2010) and MSN (1998) from Vanderbilt, and her BSN (1985) from Valdosta State University. She is a Fellow in the National Academies of Practice, The American Association of Nurse Practitioners and the American Academy of Nursing.
Associate Professor, Dorothy M. Smith Endowed Chair
Director Of Florida Blue Center For Healthcare Quality
University of Florida College of Nursing
Dr. Jane Carrington has taught informatics courses at the master's and PhD levels. Dr. Carrington has also taught Evidence Based Practice for DNP students. The focus of Dr. Carrington’s research is nurse to nurse communication of a clinical event or change in patient condition using the electronic health record. Dr. Carrington uses techniques in qualitative research and natural language processing to analyze nurse-to-nurse communication and decision-making associated with a clinical event. Dr. Carrington has been a long-time active member of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) and Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. She is also a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing and serves on the Information Technology Expert Panel. She has also served on national committees for issues related to informatics, informatics education and standards.
Unifying Caring Science and the AACN Essentials
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Details
This webinar aims to inform nursing education by offering an expanded perspective on the AACN Essentials through the integrative lens of Caring Science and the ANA Definition of Nursing. Building on Watson's seminal work in Caring Science and Human Caring Theory, this webinar will demonstrate how the 10 Caritas Processes® serve as a discipline-specific nursing paradigm that incorporates and transcends competencies.
Caring Science provides an ethical, humanistic, and heart-centered educational guide for the future of nursing. The webinar will include exemplars of academic-practice partnerships in Caring Science, that unify, redefine, and advance both nursing education and practice. It will demonstrate how this approach revolutionizes nursing curricula, creating a more holistic and compassionate foundation for the discipline. Furthermore, the presentation will champion a visionary partnership model between h ealthcare establishments and academic institutions, integrating the AACN Essentials within the broader context of Caring Science and the nursing discipline. This integration aims to elevate the standards of nursing education, preparing a new generation of nurses equipped with competence grounded in the discipline, and providing a deeper understanding of the caring, healing, and compassionate aspects of the profession.
- Critique the Caring Science Nursing paradigm in relation to Medical Science and the ANA's definition of Nursing, highlighting key differences and connections.
- Discover the integration of AACN Essentials and Caring Science in nursing education, examining their roles in curriculum development, and identifying common educational strategies across nursing schools.
- Explore practical applications of Caring Science and the 10 Caritas Processes® in healthcare institutions and nursing education, including their alignment with AACN Essentials
Note: Recording of the webinar will be available soon after the webinar airs. Visit AACN's On-Demand Webinars to watch.
Jean Watson, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN, LL
Founder –Director
Watson Caring Science Institute
Dr. Jean Watson is known around the world for her Theory of Human Caring and advancement of Caring Science as disciplinary context for Nursing’s future. She is the Founder of the Non-profit, Watson Caring Science Institute and Distinguished Professor Dean Emerita University of Colorado Denver. She is the author, co-author, or editor of over 30 books on Caring Science and Unitary Caring. Her latest book is titled Metaphysics of Unitary Caring Science. A Cosmology of Love, (2025 pub. by Springer). Her work is used globally, promoting academic and clinical partnerships toward theory-guided caring science curriculum and professional Caritas Practice, Research, and Leadership. Watson is the recipient of numerous national and international awards and honors including 15 Honorary Doctorates; she is d esignated as a Living Legend by the American Academy of Nursing, its highest honor. View full bio.
Sara Horton-Deutsch, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF, SGAHN
University of San Francisco
Director of USF/Kaiser Permanente Partnership and Faculty Associate
Watson Caring Science Institute
Dr. Sarah Horton-Deutsch has led in academic and practice settings for over 30 years as an advanced practice psychiatric/mental health nurse, teacher/practitioner, consultant, program director, caring science endowed chair, coach, and academic/practice partnership director. In 2022, she was inducted into the Global American Holistic Nursing. She has contributed to evidence-informed knowledge development throughout her academic and practice career to ensure compassionate, safe, and quality care. As a reflective leader, she focuses on inward development to positively influence change. S he has co-authored several books on Reflective Practice, Caring Science, and Caritas Coaching. She is a Caritas Coach & Leader, Reiki Practitioner, and Healing Circle Facilitator. Through her journey, she has learned the necessity of connecting to one’s inner sources of wisdom, power, and healing, as well as the arts and humanities that once defined the discipline of nursing. She is passionate about facilitating critical, deep, and authentic connections that support regeneration, renewal, and the profession’s evolution. Her latest books, Visionary Leadership in Healthcare (2022) and Reflective Practice: Reimagining Ourselves, Reimagining Nursing (2024), were published through SIGMA, the former winning an AJN 1st place book of the year award in Leadership. She is currently a champion for the ANCC Essentials within the USF School of Nursing and Health Professions. She is co-director of the Caritas Leadership Program for the Watson Caring Science Institute.
Danny G. Willis, DNS, R
Dean and Professor
University of Rhode Island College of Nursing
Dr. Danny G. Willis serves as Dean of the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing. He Caritas® Leader Faculty. In his 20-year academic career, he has served as Dean at Saint Louis University Valentine School of Nursing, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing, and Department Chair at Boston College, Connell School of Nursing. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and has chaired the Expert Panel on Theory-Guided Practice and is a member of the Expert Panel on Violence. His program of research and scholarship primarily focuses on wellbeing and healing in the aftermath of traumatic experiences. His work has been recognized with many awards, including the Eastern Nursing Research Society "Rising Star" Award, American Psychiatric Nurses Association Nancy Valentine "Leadership" Award, and R-level research funding as Principal Investigator from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). He has mentored undergraduate, masters, and PhD students from nursing, social work, child and human development, and counsel ing psychology. Dr. Willis has published widely in nursing and other health- related journals on qualitative research methods, foundations of the discipline, child maltreatment, the aftermath of hate crime, school children being bullied, child witness to violence, mental health, sleep, and healing. He has served as chair of the American Psychiatric Nursing Association (APNA) Research Council and currently co-chairs the Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS) Qualitative Research Interest Group. His publication explicating a central unifying focus for the discipline of nursing ‘facilitating humanization, meaning, choice, quality of life, and healing in living and dying,” published in Advances in Nursing Science, garnered national and international recognition for its relevance to nursing. Dr. Willis enthusiastically shares his work nationally and internationally with invited papers and presentations in the United States, Chile, Colombia, Ireland, England, Portugal, and Japan.
Strategies for Scaffolding Competency Development Across the Curriculum
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Details
As faculty begin to interpret their curriculum mapping and analyses, the focus turns to strategizing to address areas that need strengthening. Opportunities for learners to develop competency will take many forms. This presentation will demonstrate approaches for scaffolding competency development across the curriculum and share strategies for implementing systematic processes that will support schools in making incremental advances on their Essentials journey.
Following this webinar, the learner should be able to:
- Define backward design for the implementation of competency-based education and assessment.
- Demonstrate how to move from skill assessment to competency assessment.
- Discuss how learning can be scaffolded across the curriculum to build competency.
- Illustrate approaches to address competencies needing greater representation across the curriculum.
Note: Recording of the webinar will be available soon after the webinar airs. Visit AACN's On-Demand Webinars to watch.
Gerry Altmiller, EdD, APRN, ACNS-BC, ANEF, FAAN
Director, Quality and Safety Innovation Center
School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science
The College of New Jersey
Gerry Altmiller is a professor of nursing, a clinical nurse specialist consultant for Jefferson Einstein Healthcare Network in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and director of the Quality and Safety Innovation Center at The College of New Jersey. She served on the QSEN Advisory board for over a decade and for 7 years led the QSEN Academic Task Force, creating opportunities for its 120 faculty members to network, share ideas, and conduct academic focused research.
Dr. Altmiller authored the Teamwork and Communication Module of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing’s Transition to Practice program and in 2014 she received a Lindback Award for distinguished teaching. Her work on constructive feedback led to the development, tes ting, and dissemination of support tools for nurse educators and learning tools for students to view feedback as an opportunity. Dr. Altmiller serves on the editorial board for Nurse Educator Journal. She is a member of the AACN workgroups that developed the toolkits to support adoption of the 2021 AACN Essentials and serves as an AACN Coach for implementation of the Essentials. Her research focuses on clinical evaluation, quality and safety integration, and creating a just culture in academia.
Achieving the Essentials Nursing Competencies with Immersive VR
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Details
Immersive virtual reality (VR) serves as a powerful medium for enhancing educational experiences in the health sciences. This cutting-edge technology enables students to practice patient care within a safe, controlled, and highly realistic setting, without the need for the extensive resources required for in-person simulations. However, it is important to recognize that educators may not be fully prepared to incorporate IVR into current simulation and clinical programs. This presentation aims to assess the potential of IVR, describe essential concepts, and provide guidance on effectively integrating immersive VR technology into educational curricula.
- Describe the advantages and potential use of immersive VR technology in nursing education.
- Identify nursing competencies and learning objectives that can be effectively developed and assessed using immersive VR learning experiences.
- Evaluate challenges and solutions for integrating immersive VR into the curriculum, addressing issues such as resource allocation, faculty training, and the necessity for ongoing suppo rt and infrastructure.
Note: Recording of the webinar will be available soon after the webinar airs. Visit AACN's On-Demand Webinars to watch.
Cynthia Bradley, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE, ANEF
Assistant Professor
University of Minnesota School of Nursing
Dr. Cynthia Bradley is an Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing, where she serves as the Director of Simulation. Her program of research is focused on improving the nursing workforce through integrating emerging technologies into nursing education, and enhancing how nurse educators are trained and assessed. She has a history of research funding focused on simulation, virtual reality, debriefing, instrument development, and competency assessment. Dr. Bradley has served as a consultant for simulation programs, and broadly disseminates her work as a regular presenter at national and international nursing conferences and through numerous publications.
Michelle Aebersold, PhD, RN, CHSE, FSSH, FAAN
Clinical Professor
Clinical Associate Professor
University of Michigan School of Nursing
Dr. Michelle Aebersold is a Clinical Professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, a Clinical Associate Professor in the School of Information and an XR Faculty Innovator in Residence. She is a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator and a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing and a Fellow in the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Dr. Aebersold has extensive experience in using a variety of simulation learning methods including Extended Realities to improve the care of patients through caregiver education and training. Dr. Aebersold has numerous publications, presents on a variety of topics and is often an invited speaker at international, regional, and local conferences. She consults with nursing schools on improving their simulation programs, developing virtual educational assets and other projects.
From Outcome to Input: Maximizing Nursing Curricula with Backward Design
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Details
In this webinar, participants will explore the benefits of backward design in curriculum transition, focusing on aligning with the 2021 Essentials and embracing competency-based education (CBE). By starting with the end goals in mind, nursing faculty can effectively map out learning objectives, assessment strategies, and experiential learning activities that foster deep understanding and proficiency.
- Identify the key components of backward design, including establishing learning goals, determining acceptable evidence of learning, and designing learning activities.
- Explore the rationale behind the backward design approach and its effectiveness in fostering meaningful learning experiences.
- Analyze how backward design aligns with principles of learner-centered instruction and promotes deeper understanding and retention of content.
Note: Recording of the webinar will be available soon after the webinar airs. Visit AACN's On-Deman d Webinars to watch.
Jacquelyn McMillian-Bohler, PhD, APRN
Assistant Clinical Professor
Director for the Institute for Educational Excellence
Duke University
Dr. Jacqui McMillian-Bohler is an Assistant Professor and the Director for Educational Excellence at the Duke University School of Nursing. She received a BSN from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, an MSN in Nurse-Midwifery from Vanderbilt University, and a PhD in Nursing Education from Villanova University. Grounded by her Masterful Educator Model, she mentors faculty and presents nationally on faculty development, fostering inclusive learning environments, and employing impactful teaching strategies. Her efforts extend to guiding nursing programs toward competency-based education and researching effective teaching practices and health equity. Beyond academia, she advances health equity through Cultural Intellige nce workshops and a culturally concordant doula training initiative.