On-Demand Webinars
To view an on-demand webinar, please select a webinar, click “register” on the left side, and submit your information. After registering, you will be brought to a new page. The link to the recording of the webinar will be found on this page under “Event Information.”
Using New Era Report Recommendation to Leverage Meaningful Academic-Practice Partnerships
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Details
In this webinar, we will explore the six New Era Report recommendations and discuss a strategic approach for leveraging these recommendations to establish joint partnerships in preparing the nurses of the future. We will also identify core strategies for establishing support resources and infrastructure to sustain the academic practice partnership and its outcomes.
Describe the six New Era Report recommendations.
Identify the process to establish a joint partnership in preparing the nurses of the future.
Discuss measurable positive outcomes based on the joint partnership.
Explore core strategies to establish support resources and infrastructure to sustain the academic practice partnership.
About the New Era Report, Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nurs ing, commissioned by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). This report calls for enhanced partnerships to advance integrated systems of health care, achieve improved health outcomes, and foster new models for innovation., commissioned by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). This report calls for enhanced partnerships to advance integrated systems of health care, achieve improved health outcomes, and foster new models for innovation.
Note: Recording of the webinar will be available soon after the webinar airs. Visit AACN's On-Demand Webinars to watch.
Engaging Students in CBE and Curricular Transition
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Details
Join us for an insightful webinar led by Susan Bindon, the Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Director of the Institute for Educators at the University of Maryland School of Nursing. In this webinar, faculty will gain ideas and foundational models to help them connect or reconnect with students as both faculty and students navigate new ways of teaching and learning.
Describe key strategies for creating a thriving learning environment.
Apply principles of adult learning and good teaching practice to engage students in their own learning
Identify opportunities and resources for incorporating SUD into nursing education.
Reflect upon changes students and faculty experience when transitioning to CBE.
Note: Recording of the webinar will be available soon after the webinar airs. Visit AACN's On-Demand Webinars to watch.
Implementing a Substance Use Course into RN-BS Curriculum
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Hosted by the Faculty Leadership Network
Webinar Details
This presentation provides an overview of integrating substance use content into an RN-BS curriculum. Substance use in the United States increased dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic and is already alarmingly high, 13% of Americans reported beginning or increasing use of substances during this time to cope with pandemic associated stressors. Additionally, opioid deaths increased by 30% during this same period of time. Nurses care for patients experiencing substance use disorder (SUD) in every healthcare setting and historically nursing curriculum has not well-prepared students for caring for this vulnerable population. With the increase in substance use, nurses must be equipped with the knowledge to provide care for this vulnerable population.
Discuss the need for substance use education in nursing curricula.
Describe the integration and success of a substance use course into RN-BS curriculum.
Identify opportunities and resources for incorporating SUD into nursing education.
Share strategies on how SUD resources can be used to prepare students to address SUD in practice.
Share anonymous student feedback about the value of the course.
Note: Recording of the webinar will be available soon after the webinar airs. Visit AACN's On-Demand Webinars to watch.
Empowering New Nurses with Stronger Skills in Mindfulness, Self-Care, Well-Being, and Leadership
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Details
In today’s complex and evolving healthcare environment, mindfulness, self-care, well-being, and leadership skills are indispensable to the role of the professional nurse. With funding provided by the Johnson & Johnson Foundation in partnership with the Johnson & Johnson Center for Health Worker Innovation, AACN launched a national initiative titled A Competency-Based Approach to Leadership Development and Resilience for Student Nurses focused on building leadership capacity in new nurses with a special emphasis on developing essential skills in mindfulness, self-care, and well-being. AACN convened an expert advisory group to identify learning and assessment strategies that foster health, resilience, and well-being. Ten pilot schools were selected to implement and evaluate diverse strategies to integrate these concepts and related competencies across the entry-level curriculum. Speakers will highlight the importance of and strategies for integrating across the curricula.
Describe learning strategies and clinical experiences that develop skills in mindfulness, self-care, well-being, and leadership.
Explore ways to evaluate student’s competence in mindfulness, self-care, and well-being.
Describe opportunities to enhance faculty-practice partnerships to prioritize mindfulness, self-care, and well-being in students and practicing nurses.
Note: Recording of the webinar will be available soon after the webinar airs. Visit AACN's On-Demand Webinars to watch.
Integrating Population Health Competencies into Practice, Academia, and the Nursing Workforce
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Hosted by the Faculty Leadership Network
Webinar Details
Learn more about population health initiatives deployed across the state of Connecticut from 2021-2023 in the areas of practice, academia, and the nursing workforce. Discover programs and strategies that can help to accelerate local efforts to meet population health needs.
- Identify statewide initiatives launched by the Connecticut Center for Nursing Workforce to support population health competencies.
- Explain the components of population health education at a nursing residency program at a Connecticut hospital.
- Summarize the impact of the population health course at a state college in Connecticut.
- Describe how the AACN Population Health Domain is integrated across initiatives.
Note: Recording of the webinar will be available soon after the webinar airs. Visit AACN's On-Demand Webinars to watch.
Doctoral Education Year One Survival Tips
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Overview
Did you just start your doctoral education journey? Are you unsure how to navigate this new journey toward a terminal degree? Then this is the webinar for you! Join this session to hear from a PhD and DNP student, both who have successfully completed their first year of doctoral education. The speakers will share tips and strategies around three key areas of time, organization, and technology. Use these tips to help guide you through that first year and ease some of your worries around your doctoral educational journey.
- Identify strategies that will help a new graduate student successfully complete their first year of doctoral education.
- Discuss resources that can help with time management and organization as a new graduate student.
- Evaluate technology solutions to successfully complete the first year of graduate study.
This Webinar is hosted by the Graduate Nursing Student Academy (GNSA). For more information on the GNSA, visit www.aacnnursing.org/GNSA.
Pursuing a Career in Academia: Key Considerations for Future Nurse Educators
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Overview
In this presentation, Dr. Beth Kuzma an experienced nursing educator and administrator, will share information and key considerations for those considering pursuing a career in academia based on her personal experiences as a faculty member. The presentation will include information about different types of nursing programs, typical requirements for being considered for positions at different levels, common expectations of the positions, and how to position yourself well to succeed in an academic environment.
- Identify different types of nursing faculty opportunities at various nursing programs.
- Understand the environment and expectations of different types of nursing programs.
- Describe how to create a strong packet (cover letter, CV, presentation, interview, etc.) to be considered for a position in nursing education.
- Reflect on personal and professional goals to determine which, if any, nursing education opportunities best align with those goals.
This Webinar is hosted by the Graduate Nursing Student Academy (GNSA). For more information on the GNSA, visit www.aacnnursing.org/GNSA.
Reviewing for Professional Journals: Strategies for Success
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Details
Reviewers serve an essential role in promoting the quality of manuscripts that are published in professional journals. In this webinar, you will learn how to become a manuscript reviewer and how to write a quality review. A step-by-step process for completing excellent reviews will be highlighted.
- Explain the purpose of manuscript reviews.
- Describe steps for becoming a manuscript reviewer and how to respond to a review invitation.
- Examine the process and criteria to use when evaluating manuscripts and making recommendations.
Note: Recording of the webinar will be available soon after the webinar airs. Visit AACN's On-Demand Webinars to watch.
Aligning Program Outcomes, Course Outcomes, and Student Learning Activities for Competence
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Details
In this webinar, Dr. Gerry Altmiller will provide a deeper understanding of how to scaffold competency-based education and assessment across the curriculum to support learners in meeting the Essentials. Additionally, participants will learn the process to take next steps for greater integration of the Essentials into their nursing education programs.
- Review effective strategies for integrating competency-based education across the curriculum.
- Examine processes for developing curriculum that connects end-of-program outcomes with course outcomes and student learning activities.
- Demonstrate examples of how the Essentials and competency-based education can be layered to support student learning and practice-readiness.
For more information and resources on the AACN Essentials, go to www.aacnnursing.org/essentials.
Addressing Disability Accommodations and Inclusion through a DEI Lens
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Details
This webinar addresses the inclusion of disability as a DEI imperative and briefly covers the process for determining reasonable accommodation, common accommodations in nursing education and training, and outlines the faculty role in the process of determining and implementing accommodation.
This webinar is hosted by Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, Docs with Disabilities Initiative, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, and Johns Hopkins University Disability Health Research Center as is part of a three-part series focused on exploring barriers to inclusion for nurses with disabilities.
Below, you will find the recording for each installment in the series as well as additional resources.
Word Document Outline including Alt Text
Additional Resources:
- Resource Toolkit
- Clinical Accomodations and Simulat ion (Christopher J. Moreland, Maureen Fausone, James Cooke, Christopher McCulloh, Maureen Hillier, Grace C. Clifford, and Lisa M. Meeks)
- White Paper on Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Nursing Educational Programs for the California Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (CCEPD) (Beth Marks, Sarah Ailey)
- Technical Standards (Michael M. McKee, Steven Gay, Sarah Ailey, and Lisa M. Meeks)