The ART and Science of Feedback in Clinical Education
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Details
Feedback is a fundamental tool of effective teaching and a skill that, though easily learned, takes a lifetime to master. How we interact with each other when we participate in feedback conversations can greatly influence the quality of our relationships and our work, and is critical to our success as team members, clinicians, and educators. This webinar, led by medical educators Dr. Calvin Chou and Kara Myers, introduces an evidence-based model for feedback that emphasizes a relationship-centered, dynamic, bidirectional conversation in the context of a psychologically-safe learning and working environment.
- Define “feedback” in clinical education
- Assimilate literature on feedback into an approach to hosting feedback conversations
- Describe a method of nonjudgmental delivery of feedback
Calvin Chou, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine
University of California at San Francisco
Calvin Chou is Professor of Medicine at the University of California at San Francisco, and staff physician at the Veterans Affairs Health Care System in San Francisco. As Senior Faculty Advisor for External Education with the Academy of Communication in Healthcare (ACH), he is recognized internationally for leading workshops in relationship-centered communication, feedback, conflict, and remediation in health professions education. He is co-editor of the books Remediation in Medical Education: A Midcourse Correction, and Communication Rx: Transforming Healthcare Through Relationship-Centered Communication.
Clinical Professor
University of California San Francisco
Kara Myers has been practicing nurse-midwifery since 2000, when she completed graduate training at UCSF. She is currently Clinical Professor in the UCSF Department of OB, Gyn, and Reproductive Sciences. Her clinical practice sites are Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG) and Mission Neighborhood Health Center. Additionally, she is a member of the leadership council for the nurse-midwifery faculty practice at ZSFG and serves as a Senior Faculty Advisor for the Academy of Communication in Healthcare (ACH).
Kara co-directs the Relationship Centered Communication program at ZSFG and was a founding co-director of the Relationship Centered Communication Facilitators program for ACH. Within the UCSF community and nationally, as faculty of ACH, she regularly facilitates workshops in relationship centered communication, conflict, and feedback. In collaboration with colleagues, she has designed and implemented workshops focusing on the application of relationship centered communication to the promotion of equity in health care and health professions education.
Publishing Part 6: The Key to a Successful Manuscript Review
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Details
This is the sixth and final webinar in the six-part webinar series on publishing in professional journals. Journals rely on volunteer peer reviewers to be the gatekeepers of the quality of written work. The speaker will describe the components of an excellent manuscript review and what to consider when reviewing a manuscript.
- Explain the purpose of manuscript reviews.
- Describe the steps for becoming a reviewer and how to respond to a review invitation.
- Examine the criteria to use when evaluating a manuscript and making a recommendation.
This webinar is part of a six-part series addressing how to publish in professional journals successfully. For additional webinars in this series, see the links below.
Publishing Part 1: Getting Started with a Topic and Selected Journal
Publishing Part 2: Deciding Au thorship, Overcoming Writer’s Block, and Selecting Format
Publishing Part 3: Writing the First Draft and Completing the Final Version
Publishing Part 4: Responding to the Editor’s Decision
Publishing Part 5: Helping Grad Students Turn a Paper into a Publishable Manuscript
Publishing Part 6: The Key to a Successful Manuscript Review
Patricia Morton, PhD, RN, ACNP-BC, FAAN
Editor of the Journal of Professional Nursing
Dean Emeritus
University of Utah
Patricia G. Morton is Dean Emeritus, University of Utah College of Nursing. Dr. Morton has authored three textbooks, numerous book chapters, and over 60 journal articles. She has served on the editorial board of six nursing journals and for seven years was the editor of a clinical journal sponsored by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. Currently, Dr. Morton is the editor of AACN’s Journal of Professional Nursing. She is a certified acute care nurse practitioner. Dr. Morton was inducted as a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing in 1999.
Publishing Part 5: Helping Grad Students Turn a Paper into a Publishable Manuscript
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Details
This is the fifth webinar in the six-part webinar series on publishing in professional journals. Faculty often require or encourage students to publish their graduate school papers and projects. This webinar addresses the key differences between student papers and journal articles, and highlights what editors look for in a publishable student work. Suggestions for guiding students in the transition for a school paper to a publishable manuscript are explained.
- Differentiate the characteristics of a school paper versus those of a journal article.
- Describe the criteria editors use to evaluate a school paper for publication.
- Explain strategies to assist students to turn school papers into publishable journal articles.
This webinar is part of a six-part series addressing how to publish in professional journals successfully. For additional webinars in this series, see the links below.
Publishing Part 1: Getting Started with a Topic and Selected Journal
Publishing Part 2: Deciding Authorship, Overcoming Writer’s Block, and Selecting Format
Publishing Part 3: Writing the First Draft and Completing the Final Version
Publishing Part 4: Responding to the Editor’s Decision
Publishing Part 5: Helping Grad Students Turn a Paper into a Publishable Manuscript
Publishing Part 6: The Key to a Successful Manuscript Review
Patricia Morton, PhD, RN, ACNP-BC, FAAN
Editor of the Journal of Professional Nursing
Dean Emeritus
University of Utah
Patricia G. Morton is Dean Emeritus, University of Utah College of Nursing. Dr. Morton has authored three textbooks, numerous book chapters, and over 60 journal articles. She has served on the editorial board of six nursing journals and for seven years was the editor of a clinical journal sponsored by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. Currently, Dr. Morton is the editor of AACN’s Journal of Professional Nursing. She is a certified acute care nurse practitioner. Dr. Morton was inducted as a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing in 1999.
Publishing Part 4: Responding to the Editor’s Decision
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Webinar Details
This is the fourth webinar offered in the six-part series on publishing in professional journals. The speaker focuses on publishing, centers on responding to the editor’s decision for the manuscript. Understanding a rejection decision and steps for revision, if invited to do so, are also addressed.
- Analyze strategies for responding to the editor’s decision for the manuscript.
- Explain steps for revision of a manuscript when requested by the editor.
- Describe common reasons for rejection and next steps for a rejected manuscript.
This webinar is part of a six-part series addressing how to publish in professional journals successfully. For additional webinars in this series, see the links below.
Publishing Part 1: Getting Started with a Topic and Selected Journal
Publishing Part 2: Deciding Authorship, O vercoming Writer’s Block, and Selecting Format
Publishing Part 3: Writing the First Draft and Completing the Final Version
Publishing Part 4: Responding to the Editor’s Decision
Publishing Part 5: Helping Grad Students Turn a Paper into a Publishable Manuscript
Publishing Part 6: The Key to a Successful Manuscript Review
Patricia Morton, PhD, RN, ACNP-BC, FAAN
Editor of the Journal of Professional Nursing
Dean Emeritus
University of Utah
Patricia G. Morton is Dean Emeritus, University of Utah College of Nursing. Dr. Morton has authored three textbooks, numerous book chapters, and over 60 journal articles. She has served on the editorial board of six nursing journals and for seven years was the editor of a clinical journal sponsored by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. Currently, Dr. Morton is the editor of AACN’s Journal of Professional Nursing. She is a certified acute care nurse practitioner. Dr. Morton was inducted as a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing in 1999.
Professional Communication through the Emotional and Social Intelligence Lens
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (ET)
Hosted by the Organizational Leadership Network (OLN)
Webinar Details
Positive communication skills are a key component of personal and professional resilience, team performance, and patient outcomes. Yet these skills are not explicitly taught to healthcare professionals, they are often assumed to be present. Research is showing that developing communication skills through an emotional and social intelligence lens benefits all. This webinar will discuss related studies, the verbal escalation continuum and emotionally and socially intelligent communication tips to role-model and develop ourselves and our future nursing professionals.
- Participants will understand the history, definition, and significance of social and emotional intelligence.
- Participants will discuss the ROI and the case for health and wellness.
- Participants will experience an overview of the distinct competencies, application, and measurement of social and emotional intelligence.
Note: Recording of the webinar will be available soon after the webinar airs. Visit AACN's On-Demand Webinars to watch.
Tammy Cupit, PhD, RN-BC
Director, Nursing Research & Evidence-Based Practice
University of Texas Medical Branch
Dr. Tammy Cupit has been a registered nurse for over 25 years. She currently serves as an Associate Chief Wellness Officer for UTMB Health, directs a Nursing Science & Innovation division and has faculty appointments with the UTMB SON as well as the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. Her background is primarily in Behavioral Health nursing. She received her PhD from the UTMB School of Nursing and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. She is a certified Instructor in Communication and Crisis De-escalation from the Crisis Prevention Institute. Dr. Cupit also holds certifications in Emotional and Social Intelligence Coaching from the Institute for Social and Emotional Intelligence and is a certified specialist in Restorative Pra ctices from the National Educators for Restorative Practices (NEDRP). She has conducted local and multi-site social and behavioral research and has spoken regionally, nationally and internationally on her work. Dr. Cupit works with educators, students, healthcare teams and individuals to optimize well-being and joy and to improve professional relationships.