Past Funded Projects

AACN-CDC Public Health Fellowship Program

AACN-CDC Public Health Fellowship Program

Fellowship opportunities in public health interest areas are available with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through the AACN Public Health Fellowship Program. Fellows will learn in the area of population health and gain hands-on experiences at the community level to enhance their preparation for professional practice. 

See Fellows

DNP Evidence-Based Projects

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Population Health Evidence-Based Projects

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Population Health Evidence-Based Project award creates opportunities for the advanced nursing practice community to collectively meet the challenges of improving the population’s health. This program is designed to facilitate the development of qualified, knowledgeable, and experienced advanced nursing practice students with experience and focus on integration of population health into their practice and to improve health outcomes.  AACN has made awards to ten projects submitted by DNP students.

View Projects

Small Evaluation Grant Program

Small Evaluation Grants Program

AACN created small ($5,000) grants to support primary and secondary data analysis focused on the impact of selected interventions undertaken as part of an existing academic/practice partnership involving an academic partner and a public/population-health-focused community partner or local health department.

To date, AACN has awarded twelve small grants to assess the outcomes of clinical/practice experiences in undergraduate nursing programs in partnership with community/public health agencies. These awards focus on the importance of academic-community partnerships and the impact of these partnerships on students, health agencies, and community outcomes. These small grants have demonstrated impacts on student learning outcomes, the clinical agency, and their clients. Also, these grants have sustained or strengthened partnerships and leveraged additional resources to extend these types of experiences and practices.

View Grantees


Work Improvement Project (WIPs)

WIPs are non-research domestic or international projects with a workforce development component that are developed, funded, and managed by the Centers, Institutes, and Offices (CIOs) of the CDC.  

AACN periodically announces new funding opportunities open to members of AACN and our three CDC partner organizations – AAMC, APTR, and ASPPH. Workforce Improvement Projects (WIPs) are one method used by the CDC to solicit proposals from eligible applicants in topic areas that are of interest to the CDC Centers, Institutes and Offices (CIOs). WIPs focus on workforce development in various areas of public health practice in domestic or international settings. 

View Past WIPs


Public Health Learning Hubs

The AACN Public/Population Health Learning Hubs support new or existing partnerships with local/state health departments, non-health sector entities, and community agencies.  The purpose of the Public/Population Health Learning Hubs is to provide leadership and public/population health learning opportunities to undergraduate and/or graduate nursing students while engaging with health departments, and non-health sector entities and communities agencies to address community population health needs.