Customized Data Reports

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AACN's Research and Data Center provides customized reports on request to meet the institutional benchmarking and research needs of schools of nursing and external stakeholders. Reports can be prepared to compare a nursing school’s programs with institutions of similar size and type across geographic areas – nationally, state-wide, or locally. A variety of reports can be ordered, including those comparing faculty and dean salaries and program enrollment and graduations across like institutions (see Sample Reports).

Typically, custom reports are utilized by nursing deans and faculty looking to compare resources with other institutions for internal decision making. Nurse scientists, consultants, and professional service firms also seek reports to support research studies, assess market needs, and inform new initiatives. See the Case Studies for more examples of how custom data reports can be used.

Since custom reports are tailored specifically to the needs of the requester, AACN staff recommend submitting a custom order form to begin the process of assessing your particular data needs. Click here to find out more about AACN’s custom data report capabilities, including costs and turnaround time.

Sample Reports

NOTE: These reports are samples which demonstrate the potential data you could request. The data contained within them is fictionalized and should not be used or cited in any manner.

Case Studies

These select case studies spotlight real-world instances where AACN's data services contribute to the success of our members and help them understand the benefits, applications, and credibility of our reports.



Frequently Asked Questions

Order a Custom Report

Download Order Form

Nick Havey, PhD
Director of Institutional Research and Data Services
(202) 463-6930 ext. 225

Jenny Keyt, MS
Data Manager
(202) 868-4328


Carrie Byrne, MEng
Data Coordinator
(202) 868-4323