Undergraduate and New Graduate Curriculum and Competence Statements

The ELNEC Undergraduate/New Graduate Curriculum, updated and revised in 2023, is an online curriculum for pre-licensure nursing students, RN-BSN nursing students and those new to clinical practice in a nurse residency or orientation program. The curriculum contains six interactive modules (1-2 hours each) which prepare the learner to meet the AACN CARES competencies for primary palliative care. The modules contain cases, critical thinking and clinical judgement case-based questions, video demonstrations of primary palliative care skills, and an NCLEX-style quiz at the end of the module. Upon successful mastery of the content in all six modules (80% or higher on the quizzes), learners receive an ELNEC certificate for their portfolios. The cost is $29/student for 12 months of access.

Module Objectives

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Competence Statements

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Student and Faculty Access

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