Facutly Vacancy Survey FAQs

Q1. Do I have to complete the survey at once or can I leave it and come back later?

A. You can leave the survey and come back later as long as you use the same computer and the same Internet browser. The answers will be automatically saved. Please note that you won’t be able to access the survey you are working on if you clear your browsing history.

Q2. I’ve completed part of the survey in my office. Can I go back home and continue from where I stopped at?

A. No. Unfortunately, you’ll have to use the same computer and the same browser to access where you stopped at.

Q3. I made a mistake on the previous page of the survey. Can I go back and update the answer?

A. Yes. Please click the Back button at the bottom of the current page and change your answer.

Q4. I finished all the questions. How do I submit the survey?

A. Please click Final Submit at the bottom of the survey page.

Q5. Will I be able to change my answers once I submit the survey?

A. No. However, you can complete the survey again with the correct answers. Please make sure to clear your browsing history first or change to a different browser, otherwise the system will not allow you to access the survey again. Also, please contact us to have your previous survey response deleted.

Q6. Will I be able to receive a PDF copy of my survey to keep for my records?

A. Yes. Please contact Carrie Byrne and a PDF version of your submission can be sent to you via email.

Di Fang, PhD
Director of Institutional Research and Data Services
(202) 463-6934

Jenny Keyt, MS
Data Manager
(202) 868-4328

Carrie Byrne
Data Coordinator
(202) 868-4223