Commission on Nurse Certification (CNC)

Updated August 2018


To govern the CNL certification activities and promote CNL practice.


To establish a collaborative environment with evolving CNL stakeholders to improve health and healthcare delivery, promote certification and professional development and keep abreast of healthcare issues.


Leadership, certification standards, professional development and collaboration.

Strategic Goals and Objectives (CNC's Promise to CNL's)

Goal 1: Maintain a Fair, Reliable and Defensible Certification Exam


  • Maintain CNC’s position as leader of the Clinical Nurse Leader Certification Program
  • Optimize certification exam reliability and student/faculty participation
  • Provide relevant certification exam content that reflects professional standards
  • Enhance the initial certification exam and renewal application process
  • Increase certification program renewal rates and promote professional development

Goal 2: Promote the Value of Certification


  • Promote the value of CNL Certification and professional development
  • Maintain a strong collaborative relationship with CNL stakeholders
  • Enhance awareness of the CNL to the public, patients and other healthcare disciplines
  • Provide ready-made marketing tools on CNL certification to attract prospects
  • Provide resources for CNLs to publish best-practice outcomes in national journals

Goal 3: Provide Mentoring Opportunities


  • Provide orientation packet on mentoring CNLs
  • Develop education pamphlet on what a novice CNL can expect
  • Increase mentor/mentee networking opportunities at conferences
  • Collaborate with CNLA on mentoring programs

Goal 4: Manage Fiscal Operations


  • Maintain an effective governance structure and staff to oversee CNC operations
  • Develop fiscal year budget to meet year-end projections
  • Maintain at minimum three months of operational costs in long-term reserves
  • Monitor and address confidentiality issues in the certification process